Glimpses of Truth VI

Glimpses of Truth VI

"Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth thou hast for me..." 

I have not gone to a movie in a theater in over twenty years. That will probably change this week when War Room comes out. If there is one thing I need to know more about it is prayer. This is probably true for all of us.

"People have plans for everything in life: careers, finances, health. But what about a strategy for prayer to affect our lives, our spouses, and our children? We want to inspire, challenge and motivate families to not just react but plan through the right kind of battles-and to use the best resources possible," said director and co-writer Alex Kendrick.

"On our own, we lack the resources and capacity to do the things that honor and glorify the Lord. Yet God invites us, through prayer, to know Him and serve Him fully," said Stephen Kendrick.

In Luke 11:1-2 "His disciples said, Lord, teach us to pray... So he said to them, when you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Jesus offered a new way to pray, a model prayer for those who wanted to seek God but did not know how. "Our Father," yes. They were not used to being so intimate with their creator God. Neither are most of us. His name is hallowed and holy. He is also interested in our daily needs of provisions and protection. His will and His kingdom are paramount. He is concerned about forgiveness, and helping us deal with temptation. Many of these things could be asked of our earthly fathers or mothers. "In this command, said Tom Blackaby, "Christ brings Almighty God into the perspective of a loving Father who is interested in His children. It is freeing, refreshing, almost exciting to know we can talk with God personally and intimately." Why don't we try it and see what a loving, powerful Heavenly Father will do. J. D. Greear said of his prayer to God, "As I pray, I'll measure Your compassion by the cross and Your power by the resurrection."

The Kendrick brothers have produced some good films. I'm pretty sure I can recommend War Room to you before I've seen it. I'll let you know if I am wrong.

Blessings to you all. Thanks for stopping by.

Bro. Vince 

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